The owners of this site adhere to a strict privacy policy for the protection of our users. We guarantee that personal information provided by the user will be employed solely for the purpose of providing any service that the user has requested.

We guarantee that no user data, personal or otherwise, will ever be passed to external agencies or third parties for any reason unless required by law. Please note that this site advertises on third party sites through Google AdWords, and Google may use cookies to serve ads based on your visit to this site.

Where users have chosen to enable Google to associate their web and app browsing history with their Google account, and to use information from their Google account to personalize ads they see across the web,

Google will use data from its signed-in users together with Google Analytics data to build and define audience lists for cross-device remarketing.

In order to support this feature, Google Analytics will collect these users’ Google-authenticated identifiers, which are Google’s personal data, and temporarily join them to Google Analytics data.

You may opt out of seeing ads for this site by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.

In addition this site uses Google Analytics to monitor website activity .For more information on how Google collects and processes data please see How Google Uses Data When You Use Partner Sites Or Apps.