How to Get A Brand Verified on Social Media in 2024: A 3-Step Strategy

How to get verified on social media in 2024

It 👏 happened 👏 at 👏 last!

This year, I put my energy into growing a brand and making it stand out by helping them get real results from social media – the kind of results I know are possible when brands leverage all the best parts of social platforms. And while some may roll their eyes or even send hate, if you’ll stick around a bit longer I’ll tell you why and how your success really begins when you get verified.

And if you’re not there just yet, there’s joy is in the journey in learning and experiencing as you build momentum.

Here’s why, and how.

This week, my client got their big three social platforms verified:

✅ Twitter

✅ Facebook

✅ and Instagram.

Ahhhh, that elusive blue tick!





And if you’re wondering what all the applause is for—it’s for me and my team. We put in the time and commitment to make this happen, and we learned some valuable lessons along the way that I’d love to share if you made it this far into the article.

So was it worth it?

Isn’t it just vanity metrics?

Most of the people who say it’s a vanity metric…

  1. probably don’t have a verified status themself or for their brand.

  2. haven’t put in the groundwork to understand its true value

  3. aren’t leveraging what’s possible with the status of being verified.

And yes, it was absolutely worth it.

But the truth is, this is just the beginning. Now the real work starts, that’s what makes it exciting.

I’m sure you have lots of opinions on vanity metrics (please share their throughts below on why it matters (or doesn’t).

So what does it take anyway to get verified?

Cute cats?

TikTok dances?

Near nudity?

Overworked social media managers?

Surprisingly, none of that.

Social media influencers?


Paid subscriptions?

Maybe a little.

So here’s how I did it.

Here’s how I did it, using the same 3-step strategy every time:

Strategy #1: Community Engagement & Management

How it works:

  • Encourage Two-Way Interaction: Really good social media isn’t just about broadcasting your promotions (every. single. day…) It’s about starting conversations. Engage with your followers’ content, reply to comments, and keep that back-and-forth alive. Venture out of the inbox and into the feed. This shows platforms like Meta that your brand isn’t just promoting itself, but is genuinely invested in its community.

  • Amplify User-Generated Content: Celebrate your community by sharing their content and encouraging creativity. When your audience talks about your brand, it builds trust and credibility—something Meta values when awarding verification.

  • Consistent, Authentic Interaction: Consistent engagement signals to social platforms that your brand fosters real relationships. Create standard responses you can access quickly but still personalise as many as possible to maintain authenticity.

I have a rule with my team and community managers on this. You can inbox me for it, and I’ll share it with you (it works for me every. single. time, for every. single. brand).

Outcome: Higher engagement and a stronger community, making it easier for platforms like Meta to recognise and reward your brand with verification and wider reach.

Strategy #2 Influencer Collaboration

How it works:

  • Partner with Engaged Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who may have smaller followings but high engagement. Focus on the quality and number of interactions over follower count. These influencers will help build an authentic community around your brand.

  • Empower Creators to Share Their Stories: Let influencers and creators share their stories using your product. User-generated content is solid gold to Meta because it shows that your brand is influential beyond its own posts.

  • Build a Collaborative Ecosystem: By nurturing influencer relationships, you create a community where content creators feel valued. High engagement from creators and followers gets noticed by Meta.

Outcome: Organic brand advocacy and social credibility contribute to getting verified.

Strategy #1: Community Engagement & Management

Strategy #3: (Not a Strategy, but Your Responsibility)

How it works:

  • Speak to and Share Your Benefits: What makes your product or service unique? Focus on selling the benefits, not just the product itself. Take a page from Nike—they sell the benefits of running, not the shoes themselves.

  • Listen to your Community: If you listen to your community, their pain points and what they love about your brand (and if they’re not saying it, ask them!) This will make it so much easier to find your brand’s sweet spot and lean into it. Your community will resonate with your message and remember you for it.

  • Inspire Action with Real Stories: When your community shares their personal experiences with your brand, it not only strengthens the connection but also reinforces positive messaging that Meta rewards with greater visibility.

  • Foster a Movement: Use social media as a positive force. By fostering creativity, learning, or play (hint: our movement), you can create a positive community impact that Meta will reward with higher engagement and reach.

Outcome: This approach doesn’t just grow your brand—it builds a meaningful community that supports creativity, personal development, and positive change.

So, was getting verified a vanity metric?

No, but it was an opportunity – a starting point to build something bigger and better.

Roxzanne van Eyk is a content strategist, ghostwriter, brand builder and founder of Click Culture. The company specialises in retail, franchise and customer service brands on social media.